Saltsburg, PA

Curran Funeral Homes Curran Funeral Homes Curran Funeral Homes Curran Funeral Homes Curran Funeral Homes Curran Funeral Homes

Curran Funeral Home and Cremation Services
701 Salt Street, Saltsburg, PA 15681
Phone: (724) 639-3911 | Fax: (724) 478-3560
Matthew Berger, Supervisor
Norman E. Connors, Funeral Director

Our Saltsburg Funeral Home was built in the 1930’s as a private residence with a barn that was used as a horse stable. Over the years several additions were made. This location was the original Robinson Funeral Home, which now is the Robinson-Lytle Funeral Home located in Indiana, PA. This funeral home has a homey small town feel to it. We are proud to serve the community of Saltsburg and surrounding areas.

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